Escape the Ordinary --- Experience the Extraordinary


A Letter From the President:

Dear Friends,

I have always had a passion for traveling, particularly in Europe, sampling regional cuisine, and enjoying locally produced beverages. I began Spyglass Tours & Events to share my enthusiasm for European travel with everyone, and to fill a void in the travel industry for affordable accommodation packages to great events of the world, like Oktoberfest. In addition to Oktoberfest in Munich, our 2016 schedule will include a European Train Tour from Oktoberfest to Amsterdam, and Prague. A Belgian Beer Tour, and a trip to celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the Reinheitsgebot in Munich, Germany.

Over the past few years, my appreciation of beer has grown into what some would call an obsession. Now I’m not an expert on beer, and I will never claim to know everything there is to know about beer. I just know what I like, and I am constantly trying to increase my knowledge as well as improve my palate. I hope those of you who book your vacation with us will also take away an increase in knowledge and appreciation of the entire brewing process.

Although most of our tours are beer-centric, we are not beer snobs. Our tours are for everyone – even those that don’t drink beer. For wine connoisseurs, we often visit wineries and vineyards. I haven’t met a beer-lover yet that doesn’t like sampling wine, and I’ve seen the most spectacular scenery from the window of a vintner’s tasting room.

My goal is to provide hands-on experiences that leave lasting impressions. Sights, smells, tastes – a virtual sensory overload. I remember the first time I tasted real German beer, in a tiny beer garden in Koblenz with my future wife, gazing at the regal statue of Kaiser Wilhelm, Fortress Ehrenbreitstein standing guard across the Rhein. This memory flashes before me every time I see a Franziskaner Weissbier, and it is these types of unforgettable memories I hope our tours create for all of you.

Rest assured when you book a Spyglass Tour, you will receive friendly, personalized service. We are a small company, and our low overhead helps to keep prices affordable. I will most likely be the one to answer your call or email. Once we’ve met in person, I will remember your name and anything else you care to share with me. I personally make sure no clients are treated like numbers, but like family and friends.

Please feel free to call or email me anytime to discuss our tours and/or events. I look forward to sharing a unique experience with you in the near future.